Error installation


I’m trying to do a fresh install with suiteCRM 7.7.6, I downloaded the zip that is in the website, then I unzipped and pasted all the files to my directory, then i open the install.php in the navigator, went through step 1 with no problem, but when I’m in the step 2, something it’s wrong because it’s showing me these errors(image).

I tried also installing the suiteCRM 7.6.8 but it’s happening the same thing.


I checked the install.log and it’s giving me this error:

2016-11-03 09:29:27…installerHook: Could not find custom/install/install_hooks.php

that’s a permission issue, did you follow the Installation wiki?

best regards

I didn’t change any permissions, I just tried to install.php, which folders/files do I need to change?

Only those?
cache custom modules themes data upload config_override.php


just follow those steps and it depends on what system are you.

best regards

Ok i’ll try thanks as always mikebeck.

PD: Do you know something about this?

just replied to that topic

best regards

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I changed the permissions from ALL files/folder to 777, and it’s giving me the same error, in the step 2, something it’s trying to call /install/status.json, but there is nothing there. I’ve noticed that in the step 1 it’s also showing me those errors


Ok it is working now, I just copied/pasted an old config.php to the main folder, and now it’s working…

777 is not a valid/recommended permission, please follow the documentation, some webservers won’t even allow that type of file permissions

best regards

I just tried everything :P, now I’m going to change it following the documentation.

you are not alone 'm getting the same install problems
is currently unable to handle this request.

Having the same problem. How did you fix it? Followed the instructions…

Any Idea @ mikebeck?

increase the max file to 30000