Error in second part of installation Suitecrm

I have an error during the second part of the installation. I followed the installation step by step and I am always in error. can anybody help me?

I’m using:
PHP 7.3.21
Mysql: 8.0.21
Apache: 2.4.46

Looking suitecrm.log:
Fri Sep 24 11:36:29 2021 [5480][-none-][FATAL] Mysqli_query failed.
Fri Sep 24 11:36:29 2021 [5480][-none-][FATAL] Error creating table: users: Query Failed: CREATE TABLE users (id char(36) NOT NULL ,user_name varchar(60) NULL ,user_hash varchar(255) NULL ,system_generated_password bool NULL ,pwd_last_changed datetime NULL ,authenticate_id varchar(100) NULL ,sugar_login bool DEFAULT ‘1’ NULL ,first_name varchar(255) NULL ,last_name varchar(255) NULL ,is_admin bool DEFAULT ‘0’ NULL ,external_auth_only bool DEFAULT ‘0’ NULL ,receive_notifications bool DEFAULT ‘1’ NULL ,description text NULL ,date_entered datetime NULL ,date_modified datetime NULL ,modified_user_id char(36) NULL ,created_by char(36) NULL ,title varchar(50) NULL ,photo varchar(255) NULL ,department varchar(50) NULL ,phone_home varchar(50) NULL ,phone_mobile varchar(50) NULL ,phone_work varchar(50) NULL ,phone_other varchar(50) NULL ,phone_fax varchar(50) NULL ,status varchar(100) NULL ,address_street varchar(150) NULL ,address_city varchar(100) NULL ,address_state varchar(100) NULL ,address_country varchar(100) NULL ,address_postalcode varchar(20) NULL ,deleted bool NULL ,portal_only bool DEFAULT ‘0’ NULL ,show_on_employees bool DEFAULT ‘1’ NULL ,employee_status varchar(100) NULL ,messenger_id varchar(100) NULL ,messenger_type varchar(100) NULL ,reports_to_id char(36) NULL ,is_group bool NULL ,factor_auth bool NULL ,factor_auth_interface varchar(255) NULL , PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY idx_user_name (user_name, is_group, status, last_name, first_name, id)) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci: MySQL error 1071: Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes

Make sure the DB user has the proper permissions to your DB.