Error in Mail Account Setting

when I click on the configuration, I get these error warnings

Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /home/xxx/www/CRM/cache/smarty/templates_c/%%1A^1AB^1AB6DD00%%tab_panel_content.tpl.php on line 190

Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /home/xxx/www/CRM/cache/smarty/templates_c/%%1A^1AB^1AB6DD00%%tab_panel_content.tpl.php on line 190

That’s unusual, but it might not mean anything relevant, at least if the functionality seems to be working.

You should turn off error_reporting or display_errors in your php.ini

I turn off error_reporting and display_errors in php.ini but still show warning “Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /home/xxx/www/CRM/cache/smarty/templates_c/XXXXXXXXXXtab_panel_content.tpl.php on line 190”

on page > Outbound Email Accounts > edit system

SuiteCRM-7.9.11, PHP 7.1.0

Sometimes you think you you set something in php.ini, but it’s not effective, because you’re editing the wrong php.ini (there is normally more than one), or because you didn’t restart web server, or because your hosting has some weird rules or overrides your settings.

If you go in SuiteCRM to Admin / Diagnostics and extract your phpinfo, you can find exactly which php.ini it is using, and which values are actually applied for error_reporting and display_errors.