error in Language section of admin

I noticed my Language section of the admin was not displaying any languages in its enabled/disabled list. The console was throwing the following error:

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ;

and points to the following line of code:

var disabled_modules = ;

So I did some digging and was able to see where the “disabled_modules” value was being set in the file modules/Administration/views/view.languages.php. The function json_encode($disabled) was actually returning false. So I ran json_last_error() after to get the error and it came back with JSON_ERROR_UTF8 (malformed UTF-8 characters, possibly incorrectly encoded). While debugging, the label for the Russian language came out as Ру�?�?кий (RU) so I’m pretty sure that is the culprit. My question is, which file does that get populated from?

I figured it out, it was the languages array in the config file that had invalid characters.