Error importing records to targets

Hi Everyone.

Dan here. Long time reader, first time poster. I have tried searching the forums but can’t find what I am looking for.

I am running

Version 7.5.1
Sugar Version 6.5.20 (Build 1001)

I should start by saying that I am not a programmer. I can go in and modify code if I am told where to go, and I can decrypt some errors and find some problems but I am not a coder and don’t have a full understanding of programming.

I am trying to import a list to my targets module and I keep getting an error every time the importer gets to records 901-1000. The error reads

NOTICE: [8] Undefined index: LBL_ERROR_INVALID_DYNAMICENUM on line 492 in file /var/www/html/
NOTICE: [8] Undefined index: LBL_ERROR_INVALID_DYNAMICENUM on line 492 in file /var/www/html/
NOTICE: [8] Undefined index: LBL_ERROR_INVALID_DYNAMICENUM on line 492 in file /var/www/html/
NOTICE: [8] Undefined index: LBL_ERROR_INVALID_DYNAMICENUM on line 492 in file /var/www/html/
NOTICE: [8] Undefined index: LBL_ERROR_INVALID_DYNAMICENUM on line 492 in file /var/www/html/
NOTICE: [8] Undefined index: LBL_ERROR_INVALID_DYNAMICENUM on line 492 in file /var/www/html/
NOTICE: [8] Undefined index: LBL_ERROR_INVALID_DYNAMICENUM on line 492 in file /var/www/html/
NOTICE: [8] Undefined index: LBL_ERROR_INVALID_DYNAMICENUM on line 492 in file /var/www/html/

To me it seems logical that each record is being imported and there is a record somewhere from 901-1000 that is having issues but after I have the error I go and check the targets module to find that less than 901 records have been imported. There are a little over 12,000 records in the file. I must have tried 20 times and in most cases I have exactly 54 records that made it in however the number does fluctuate and I am using the exact same CSV file. One import for example that I just did has 162 records that made it in before it broke so I am pretty confused. It can’t just be record No. 55. The data in there all looks fine.

Does anyone have any suggestions?


Maybe those errors are not the real problem (they are just NOTICEs).

The fluctuating nature of your problem suggests memory problems or timeout problems. Have you tried playing with the memory limits and maximum execution time in your php.ini? You can Google it, there are plenty of sites explaining.