Error importing Contacts or Accounts

Hi there,

we receive the folllowing error on importing a csv to contacts or account.

Is there any work around

You can only import 50-70 datasets.

NOTICE: [8] Array to string conversion on line 158 in file /var/www/suitecrm/modules/AOD_Index/AOD_Index.php
NOTICE: [8] Undefined property: Account::$Array on line 158 in file /var/www/suitecrm/modules/AOD_Index/AOD_Index.php
NOTICE: [8] Array to string conversion on line 158 in file /var/www/suitecrm/modules/AOD_Index/AOD_Index.php
NOTICE: [8] Undefined property: Account::$Array on line 158 in file /var/www/suitecrm/modules/AOD_Index/AOD_Index.php
NOTICE: [8] Undefined index: Import on line 250 in file /var/www/suitecrm/modules/AOD_Index/AOD_Index.php
NOTICE: [8] Array to string conversion on line 158 in file /var/www/suitecrm/modules/AOD_Index/AOD_Index.php
NOTICE: [8] Undefined property: Account::$Array on line 158 in file /var/www/suitecrm/modules/AOD_Index/AOD_Index.php
NOTICE: [8] Array to string conversion on line 158 in file /var/www/suitecrm/modules/AOD_Index/AOD_Index.php
NOTICE: [8] Undefined property: Account::$Array on line 158 in file /var/www/suitecrm/modules/AOD_Index/AOD_Index.php
NOTICE: [8] Array to string conversion on line 158 in file /var/www/suitecrm/modules/AOD_Index/AOD_Index.php
NOTICE: [8] Undefined property: Account::$Array on line 158 in file /var/www/suitecrm/modules/AOD_Index/AOD_Index.php
NOTICE: [8] Array to string conversion on line 158 in file /var/www/suitecrm/modules/AOD_Index/AOD_Index.php
NOTICE: [8] Undefined property: Account::$Array on line 158 in file /var/www/suitecrm/modules/AOD_Index/AOD_Index.php
NOTICE: [8] Array to string conversion on line 158 in file /var/www/suitecrm/modules/AOD_Index/AOD_Index.php
NOTICE: [8] Undefined property: Account::$Array on line 158 in file /var/www/suitecrm/modules/AOD_Index/AOD_Index.php
NOTICE: [8] Array to string conversion on line 158 in file /var/www/suitecrm/modules/AOD_Index/AOD_Index.php
NOTICE: [8] Undefined property: Account::$Array on line 158 in file /var/www/suitecrm/modules/AOD_Index/AOD_Index.php

Best regards


Turn off Notices in your php.ini settings.

Thank you Andy again.

Now the import works fine!

 Array to string conversion in /var/www//modules/AOD_Index/AOD_Index.php on line 158, referer: http://xx/index.phpUndefined property: Lead::$Array in /var/www/modules/AOD_Index/AOD_Index.php on line 158,

I have the same error when i edit a lead and it makes saving of leads very slow takes about 7 or 8 seconds
when i turn AOD off it saves normally.