Error en permisos

Al tratar de instalar SuiteCRM me salen dos errores al parecer de permisos me pueden colaborar por favor:

Config override

The config override file exists but is not writeable. Please take the necessary steps to make the file writeable. Depending on your Operating system, this might require you to change the permissions by running chmod 766, or to right click on the filename to access the properties and uncheck the read only option.

Writeable Custom Directory

The Custom Directory exists but is not writeable. You may have to change permissions on it (chmod 766) or right click on it and uncheck the read only option, depending on your Operating System. Please take the needed steps to make the file writeable.

Writable Upload Directory

Hola, los permisos necesarios para una instalación de SuiteCRM en una distribución Linux son:

sudo chown -R www-data:www-data .
sudo chmod -R 755 .
sudo chmod -R 775 cache custom modules themes data upload config_override.php


And windows?
It happens to me too
Thank you

En que ambiente de windows?