error connecting with SuiteCRM outlook plugin


I have encountered an error when trying to configure the Outlook plugin

I installed the SuiteCRM Outlook plugin -

Windows 8.1
Outlook 2010
SuiteCRM Outlook plugin (not sure of version - downloaded Oct 16, 2014

Installed fine - when i set the config - i get the following error in a dialog box

header: “Unable to Connect to SuiteCRM”

Message: "Unexpected character encountered while parsing value <. Path “, line 0, position 0”

I don’t have any LDAP authentication enable - straight user login/pass

any help would be appreciated.

Hi there,

What URL are you entering to point to your CRM? This may be incorrect.



Hello Will,

Thanks for your reply.

the url is — i have also tried – both urls can be access in Chrome.
