Error connecting to remote database on installation version 7.6.4

Good day,

Im trying to install the version 7.6.4 of SuiteCRM on my server. The Database for security is in another server. I have permisions from this server to connect to the database. I can connect with out errors from workbench, but no from suite crm installation. Any advices? thnx. The Mysql version is 5.1.73.

I put images with the error, and the correct connection in WorkBench.

Kind Regards.

are you sure you’re using MySQL 5.1 with release date November 2008? if yes, is not supported for SuiteCRM, check the documentation

best regards

Yeah that was the problem, I’m using mysql 5.1.73. I must download version 7.4.x. I totally forget watch the compatibility matrix. Thank you for the answer.