Error 404 http://localhost:80/suitecrm/install.php

I created the website on IIS , but when the opening the install.php - Error 404 Not Found.
the archives are in inetpub/wwwrot/suitecrm


I assume that the SuiteCRM directory, (Along with all the SuiteCRM files, including install.php), do indeed exist within this location?

One thing that I could suggest would be setting the permissions of your SuiteCRM instance, and seeing if that allows you to gain access to the install.php

We normally recommend setting the following for Windows systems:

[i]When running SuiteCRM on IIS, you need to make all of the files and sub-directories within your SuiteCRM installation are writable by the system user that IIS is running under. First, in the Windows File Explorer, enable the Security tab.

  • Open Windows File Explorer
  • Click on Tools > Folder Options
  • Click on the View Tab and scroll to the bottom
  • Uncheck “Use simple file sharing (Recommended)”

Then set the file system permissions in your SuiteCRM installation.

  • In Windows Explorer, right click and view the properties of your SuiteCRM installation directory. For example, “C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\sugar”

  • Click on the newly enabled Security tab.

  • Add full control for the user under which IIS runs. This is typically IUSR_[computerName] where [computerName] is the name of your computer.

  • Be sure to click the Advanced button and apply this new permission to all sub-directories by clicking “Replace permission entries on all child objects with entries shown here that apply to child objects”.[/i]

If, after setting these permissions, you are still experiencing issues, You might want to take a look at your IIS Web Service setup.
I’ve searched general terms to describe your issue, and it seems to be an issue that a few people have, not particularly with SuiteCRM.

You might want to look into these issues, and see if any of these apply to you. (And, if any possibly help your issue):