End of support for Basic Authentication access to Exchange Online API’s for Office 365 customers

Not sure if this help but we have to set the scope in the exact order as below for it to work.

  1. offline_access
  2. https:// outlook.office.com /IMAP.AccessAsUser.All
  3. User.Read
  4. User.Read.All

I do not know why but if we changes the order then the auth will fail. And we included the User.Read.All in the scope as well though it was not mentioned in the guide.

And do not ask me why IMAP.AccessAsUser is a full url. I do not know. Somehow we need to set in such a way for imap to work in our case.

Hope this helps


Will all the issues that are occurring be fixed for version 8? When will version 8 get the microsoft xoauth2 update.

That is correct, it can also be written that way . It is the same thing

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Thanks. I believe an issue could be opened on GitHub with this information, or even create a PR with the proposed solution :+1:

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Hello pgr,
on my instance i’m facing issue regarding refreshing toke. token is not getting refresh once time has expired. i need to do authenticate manually. can you please confirm if i’m missing something?

Sorry @jrawoot I’m quite ignorant about Oauth email setup and Microsoft requirements. I just float into these threads to see if there’s some basic troubleshooting tips that can be useful, but apart from that, I really shouldn’t be here because I don’t know how this works (and it’s not “my cup of tea” anyway).

Good luck to you all, I really wish this would stop being such a problem for everyone… :frowning:

Hello pgr, Issue is resolved. it was configuration issue. Thank you for your response.

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Is anyone else having significant issues to get this to work? WIll there be an update in 8.3 resolving these issues?

I had to re-order my scopes in the order you specified and reacquire a new token in the External OAuth Connection otherwise configuring the Inbound Email Account wouldn’t work. This makes practically no sense since the order of scopes in an OAuth2 token request doesn’t matter, only their presence or absence.

I didn’t configure the API permissions to include Use.Read.All, nor did I configure that scope as part of the token request in the External OAuth Provider configuration.

Hi Team ,

We are on version 7.11.10 , Is there any hotfix that can be applied to this version ?

If not , Can you guys suggest me how can we upgrade from 7.11.10 to 7.13 version of suitecrm , since in this section Upgrade SuiteCRM - SuiteCRM I cannot find upgrade zip from 7.11.x version

Please suggest

Thank you ,

have a look here:

is this actually working for anyone? there are still major issues that prevents m365 from connecting to suitecrm. Has anyone been able to get this to work?**

@mrrosenthal which version are you running?

Upgraded to 7.13. so far so good for us

Hi @jrawoot ,
Can you please elaborate about the configurational changes,as in my application, token is also not getting refreshed automatically.
