Thanks in Advance
Please tell how to enable bulk Action Buttons in SuiteCRM 7.11.4
Thanks in Advance
Please tell how to enable bulk Action Buttons in SuiteCRM 7.11.4
I’m not sure I understand what you mean.
Maybe you’re looking for
Admin / System settings / Display actions within menus (uncheck this)
But maybe you’re talking about a bug that keeps the buttons from showing. I seem to remember one like this a while ago. It’s fixed in the following version, so maybe you can try an upgrade.
Do you mean in list view?
Once you select any record from listview then only it will be enabled.
@pgr, Maybe, I mean he is referring to bulk action of the listview.
Hi Sir,
In My SuiteCrm v7.11.4 in list view
If we select record in accounts or any other module
After selection records bulk action buttons are still disable.
That’s strange. Do you have any error in your browser console?
Can you share a screenshot or something?
Upgrade! That is fixed. Unless you made some customization that breaks List views.