empty dashleats

Hello good ppl. i’m started trying this software after knowing sugar CE would be frozen in 6.5.

But i need your help, for something was happening in sugar, and persists here. when i try to ass a new chart dashleat, i only get the title: any other element is empty. i filled all the categories of itens, where it gets informations the data (accounts, calls, meeting, etc), so it should have data to fill it

i also tried to put the permissions of the cache folder in 777 recursively, and rebuilding it to no avail. actually, i also tried to use all the repair options, and the result is the same.

Do you have any ideas? Thanks in advance

one of those dashlets is β€œAll Opportunities by Lead Source”. i’ve put the same one in the demo provided by http://suitecrm.com/suitedemo, and i also have information in the leads. and here, the dashlets work

i should correct an info: although i cleared the cache, and changed permissions to 777, in the logs, there are lots of lines like those:

Thu Aug 21 23:57:50 2014 [365240][1][FATAL] Exception in Controller: String could not be parsed as XML
Thu Aug 21 23:57:52 2014 [365240][1][FATAL] Unable to return chart data, invalid xml for file cache/xml/42d0a3fb-8649-b28b-f751-53f6785a9d6d_e609dc92-b155-a492-6bd6-53f6796a80bf.xml
Thu Aug 21 23:57:52 2014 [365240][1][FATAL] Exception in Controller: String could not be parsed as XML
Thu Aug 21 23:58:36 2014 [365240][1][FATAL] Unable to return chart data, invalid xml for file cache/xml/42d0a3fb-8649-b28b-f751-53f6785a9d6d_e609dc92-b155-a492-6bd6-53f6796a80bf.xml
Thu Aug 21 23:58:36 2014 [365240][1][FATAL] Unable to return chart data, invalid xml for file cache/xml/42d0a3fb-8649-b28b-f751-53f6785a9d6d_93e84999-60b2-3435-494b-53f679bd3b61.xml
Thu Aug 21 23:58:36 2014 [365240][1][FATAL] Unable to return chart data, invalid xml for file cache/xml/42d0a3fb-8649-b28b-f751-53f6785a9d6d_c5a1fb13-fb47-6c06-eb00-53f679d68072.xml
Thu Aug 21 23:58:36 2014 [365240][1][FATAL] Unable to return chart data, invalid xml for file cache/xml/42d0a3fb-8649-b28b-f751-53f6785a9d6d_52d4066c-bb7b-e08d-adef-53f678950b7b.xml
Thu Aug 21 23:58:52 2014 [365240][1][FATAL] Unable to return chart data, invalid xml for file cache/xml/42d0a3fb-8649-b28b-f751-53f6785a9d6d_e609dc92-b155-a492-6bd6-53f6796a80bf.xml
Thu Aug 21 23:58:52 2014 [365240][1][FATAL] Exception in Controller: String could not be parsed as XML

forgot to mention: the dashlets for modules, tools, tools and web are ok. my trouble lies only with tools dashlets, that is, the ones that convert data into charts


lowering php to 5.2 in cpanel seems to work


I have 3 servers running whm/cpanel with several SuiteCRM instances, SuiteCRM was working fine with php 5.3.17. Looking for php modules I found one server was missing some php components, so I decide to upgrade php version and found the only option I had with whm/cpanel was to move to 5.3.29. No big deal since major version would not change (5.3).

After upgrade, all instances were missing charts, so I decided to downgrade to 5.2 with easy apache customization, again my only option was 5.2.17. After downgrading I new surprise: charts were still missing. So we decide go deep to fix the issue.

We realized that the issue was related to pcre-regex php string manipulation, so the solution is no simply downgrading php but downgrading to a version that will work ok with pcre-regex.

Finally we made the following change in include/SugarCharts/JsChart.php:

function processXML($xmlFile) {

	if(!file_exists($xmlFile)) {
		$GLOBALS['log']->debug("Cannot open file ($xmlFile)");

	$pattern = array();
	$replacement = array();
	$content = file_get_contents($xmlFile);
	$content = $GLOBALS['locale']->translateCharset($content,'UTF-16LE', 'UTF-8');

// $pattern[] = β€˜/<link>([a-zA-Z0-9#?&%.;[]/=+_-\s]+)</link>/e’
$pattern[] = β€˜/<link>([a-zA-Z0-9#?&%.;[]/=+\s-_]+)</link>/e’
$replacement[] = β€œβ€™β€™.urlencode(”$1").’’";
// $pattern[] = β€˜/NULL/e’;
// $replacement[] = β€œβ€;
return preg_replace($pattern,$replacement, $content);

Attached upgrade safe package with correction patch.