Emails in the queue are not been sent automatically

i have created an email campaign. i did a send test and it worked perfectly. however, the emails are in the queue and not going. i am running Suitecrm Version 7.9.4.

i went to the logs and saw the error below.

Tue Sep 5 02:50:58 2017 [15521][1][FATAL] Email Address provided is not Primary Address for email with id ’ Emailman id=16

is this related to the reason why the emails are not been sent automatically. and if so how can i resolve this.


Hello, this is happening now also in the application that I maintain, in this case with version 7.2.1. How have you managed to solve it or how can it be solved?

Same error on a campaign . All mails remain in Queue , without anything been sent .
In suitrecrm.log I get 4-5 lines with [FATAL] Email Address provided is not Primary Address for email with id ’ Emailman id=2316
with different ids