emails are not functioning out of SuiteCRM

Hello I recently set up suitecrm on my windows 2003 server. I can not get the application to send emails. When I enter my mail configuration in admin settings and try a test email I get the following error

Error:Extension missing: openssl

I have gone into the PHP.INI and adjusted the openssl extensions from ;extension=php_openssl.dll to extension=php_openssl.dll but have not had success with getting mail to work.

my settings are as follows

“From” Name: * suitecrm
“From” Address: *
Choose your Email provider

Gmail            Yahoo! Mail            Microsoft Exchange            Other        

SMTP Mail Server: * SMTP Port: * 25
Use SMTP Authentication: Enable SMTP over SSL or TLS? SSL
Username: * myemailaddress
Password: myemailpassword

anyone have thoughts on this?


If you change any setting in your PHP.ini, you’ll have to restart your web server to apply it.

If you restart Apache/IIS webserver, Do you still get the error?