Email template with attachment - attachment not going

We are having an issue with a workflow job at the moment where an attachment doesn’t get sent with an email.

The template seems to be set-up correctly and the document is definitely uploaded and in the system. I’m thinking that it could be an issue with permissions somewhere but don’t know where to look.

The emails show as sent against the lead and looking at the email itself it shows there was no attachment with it so it doesn’t point to the SMTP server or the recipient.

Any ideas?

Hi David,

WorkFlow currently doesn’t handle sending emails with attachments.




Thanks will. Is it on the roadmap at all as it would be very useful to have the facility.


Hi David,

Attachments for Email Templates will be part of our SuiteCRM 7.1 release.



Hi I am now having this issue using

Version 7.11.5

Was this resolved in a release?