Email Template selection not working.

Hi All,

Does anyone still have the issue of email templates not populating on the email body?

This is the exact issue

It is mentioned that the fix is done in 7.11.5 but i seem to have the issue even after upgrading to the latest version(7.11.5) that was released yesterday.

Am I doing something wrong here?

Please run the Javascript repairs from Admin / Repairs.

Ran the repairs but the problem still persists. Template not being selected, also account selection does not work (7.10.6)

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@overture you’re better off starting your own thread as each case is different.

The fix you need is not included in your version, so you need to first upgrade to 7.10.17 and only then run the javascript repairs.

Any way I would like to hear confirmation from @preetham to know if it worked for him?..


Hi @pgr,

Am sorry that I would not be able to give a definitive answer because I tried the JS repair just once and it did not work on the upgraded app. So I reinstalled the app instead of the upgrade and it works with the reinstall.

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