Email-Setup: Error:The following From address failed: xxxxx

We tried to make a fresh installation of suitecrm 7.1.3 on
a Webserver.

It is impossibke to set up the system email account.
We allways get the following error message, when trying to send a test mail.

Error:The following From address failed:

We love SuiteCrm and have installed another project without problems on a server provided by Siteground

Please help


Hi Jog,

Have you contacted 1and1 to find out if it is a server restriction on their end?



Hello Will,
1and1 support can’t find the failure.
Now they are asking for the system requirements to run a SuiteCRM software ,to check if their shared hosting server supports it.

Could you please send me the system requirements to run a SuiteCRM software to help the 1and1 support?

We look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you.
Kind regards

I too am receiving this error, but I am running it locally on WAMP.

Error:The following From address failed: xxx

Any idea as to why this is?

Hi guys,

There are basic requirements such as a web server and either MySQL or MSSQL. Some further requirements for the CRM to function fully are IMAP, cURL etc.

You can see a full list of recommended pre-requisites here.



This is because they do not support SSL or TLS connections if you are using their basic package.

I’m using Godaddy and gmail and having the same issues.

I installed SuiteCRM within the normal “quick” install for Godaddy, so I would think it should work well…??

it`s the installation routine on 1&1 Servers - and propably on Godaddy too.
You should change to the provider Siteground.
There everything runs perfectly.

Thanks, yeah, you often get what you pay for.

I get this error as well…
I am running the Bitnami SuiteCRM AMI on AWS

I have suitecrm version 7.1.4. Was working fine. Lost the ability to send assignment notifications - for example after creating a lead. When testing email settings the following error is returned “Error:The following From address failed:” (gmail settings are correct and working in the past).

Is there a solution?


If you edit the email setting without modifying the password it can remove it, you may just need to re-enter your password

Hi Matt -

As you suggested I tried adding the password again and it continues to fail. Any other suggestions will be appreciated.


Hi Richie,

I’ve found connections to gmail are sometimes blocked if access is made too often. See this link.


Hi Jim -

Thanks for the tip. I checked email client settings - no auto send/receive are set. I don’t believe that is the problem since I get the same error message using Yahoo as well.

Is there a way to reset the email configuration so as to start new?

Thanks again for your help.