Email Settings not showing

Hi all,

I tested an upgrade to 7.10.15 and when I go to the Email Settings page in the admin panel, there’s nothing there. No errors get mentioned in the suitecrm.log file and in the web server error log there is the following:

[Mon Apr 29 13:00:58.005224 2019] [php7:notice] [pid 3531] [client :26883] PHP Notice: Undefined index: email_confirm_opt_in_email_template_id in /var/www/html//modules/EmailMan/views/view.config.php on line 211, referer: http:///index.php?module=Administration&action=index

There is a 404 error in the Chrome console.

I am using PHP 7.3 with a MySQL database.

It could be your PHP version.

Hi AlxGr,

I tried it with a lower PHP version and relooked at the logs and got:

Tue Apr 30 01:48:06 2019 [8076][1][FATAL] Exception handling in /var/www/html//include/MVC/Controller/SugarController.php:400
Tue Apr 30 01:48:06 2019 [8076][1][FATAL] Exception in Controller: email_enable_auto_send_opt_in is missing in the config. Please repair config.

So I ran a repair on the config file and it works now. I probably missed those lines the first time I looked at the logs.

I’m glad it works now!