Email problems with Microsoft Exchange

Hello everyone,

Another issue I am having with SuiteCRM is the ability to send from Cases and receive emails to create our Cases.

I have tried connecting it using our Microsoft Exchange SMTP settings, but it either comes back with a screen like this:

Or I can get it to the point where it says authentication failed.

Am I missing something in my Microsoft environment? Any help would be gratefully received.

Do you use SSL/TLS/IMAPs? If yes, is the certificate self-signed?

Ensure you’ve created an app password to allow for SMTP. Also there is a setting to specifically allow this in O365, if you have not enabled this setting it will not work (sorry, configuring the Azure side is not my expertise other than I’ve run into this issue many times with clients and they have to enable to allow to work).

@gunnicom I believe we do and haven’t made any custom changes to it, so if it comes with a self-certification out of the box, yes! :slight_smile:

Do you see something in the suitecrm.log?

I found that a few weeks ago, I got it to this point:

“SugarPHPMailer encountered an error: The following From address failed: : MAIL FROM command failed,STARTTLS is required to send mail”

But I’m not sure of how I got to that point, as I wasn’t aware of the suitecrm.log at that point!

All the log says currently, is the same as the error message in the pop-up:

“SugarPHPMailer encountered an error: SMTP Error: Could not connect to SMTP host. Failed to connect to server”