Email Opportunity Notification

How do i set it up so that any updates done on an opportunity are sent to an Email Account? I’m most likely doing something wrong


There are a couple of ways to do this i am on version 7.5.1

method 1

  • create a workflow
  • run on modified records
  • add action = select action - send email
  • populate the rest of the action to what you need.
  • any time a opportunity record is modified then the email will send

method 2

  • this will give you a more granular way of sending emails when a field(s) change on an opportunity
  • create workflow
  • run on != modified records
    -add condition for each fielld you wish to check if there is a change
  • for example
    -Opportunity - Name - Equal to - Any change
  • add more conditions for more fields if you want
    –then add the action to send email like before

hopefully this solves your problems!!
