Email labels showing undefined

I’m missing something. See screenshots (3 of them)

I have done:

  1. Check permissions on files and folders multiple times
  2. Checked config.php
  3. Increased memory and other buffers in php.ini
  4. Repeatedly “Quick Repair and Rebuild”.
  5. Repeatedly done most of the individual items on the REPAIR page
  6. Emptied the browser cache

SuiteCRM 7.8.7
php 7.1
shared hosted server (so using CPanel and Filezilla)
Chrome browser (hmm, didn’t try other browsers)
NOT using Outlook plugin

Hi gofastgirl,

This is a core bug in 7.8.7 has been raised here: if you want to follow along.


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Thanks Dillon-Brown… Hmmm, now to decide if I bump up to latest version. I thought I was safe with the LTS version. Bummer.