Email Issue

When I try to send a Test Email I am getting this error:

Error: The following From address failed: (emailAddress@here) – Undefined.

What could I be doing wrong?


Hi LMW1,

Have you set up a valid email address with the correct SMTP settings and encryption?



Yes sir. I filled out the form with the correct information. When you say “encryption”…what would you mean by that?

Do you know why I would be getting this error?


hi LMW,

Have you performed a Quick Repair & Rebuild and Rebuild Relationships? Have you checked your sugarcrm.log?



Haven’t done the Quick Repair & Rebuild procedure as this is a fresh install. Do you think that could fix the error issue?


Hi LMW1,

It may fix the error. Do you have any errors in your sugarcrm.log?



I will do what you have instructed me to do.

The sugarcrm.log (this is found in the root directory, correct?).


Hi LMW1,

Your sugarcrm.log is located within the main SuiteCRM directory.



Okay Will. I will try what you said.

What do I do if what you’ve directed me to do doesn’t work?

Is this error common?


I looked in the log file and found a bunch of these errors:

Mon Jan 27 12:27:43 2014 [31336][-none-][FATAL] Configuration variable date.timezone is not set, guessed timezone America/New_York. Please set date.timezone=“America/New_York” in php.ini!

This was the only other thing in there (does it have anything to do with my email error issue perhaps?):

Mon Jan 27 12:25:52 2014 [29751][1][FATAL] SMTP -> ERROR: Failed to connect to server. Code: 110 Reply: Connection timed out
Mon Jan 27 12:25:52 2014 [29751][1][FATAL] SugarPHPMailer encountered an error: The following From address failed:

Any ideas?


Second error lines are your email issue… Your config is incorrect for the SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol). The line with SMTP is telling us that on whatever port your SMTP is set to use is not responding.

We will need more detail on who/what you’re using to send receive email in order to help further.

Exchange Server/ Yahoo / Gmail and so on.

I’m trying to get this right. All I am doing is using an email address with my domain extension.

It keeps giving me an “Undefined” error.

Is there something that I’m not seeing here? lol

Any advice would be welcomed as I would like to get this working properly so I can move on.

I am using a fresh install of the most current version of Suite CRM.


So I take it you are using a hosted server and your domain setup with that hosted server?

They should have documentation on their SMTP configuration that they can share with you
But under mail settings do the following. You will need to probably tweak or like I said find the information from your hosting provider.
Most SMTP server are setup these days to require a username and password. This is to prevent the SMTP service from being used as a open repeater/forwarder for spam

Go to Administration - > EMail Settings

*Fill in your “From Name” (whatever you want)
*Fill in your “From Address” must be valid and I suggest one that it won’t be sending to itself.
*Click on the “Other Button” to choose from provider
*Enter your SMTP Mail Server: You might need to get this from your provider. It can be any of these however (,,, etc) again you should be able to find this information. If you have CPANEL or WHM with your provider it should be listed in there under Mail settings.
*Check the Use SMTP Authentication
*Enable SMTP over SSL or TLS? Default is none… This will change port to 25 but I have seen hosts use 26 for security reasons. SSL or TLS are for secured SMTP communications… The standard port for that is 465. As you choose each option the port will chagne to standard. So you will have to change it to a sub standard port if your host uses one after you make this selection.
*Enter your SMTP port. Default SMTP port is 25, But secure ports might be used such as 465
*USername : your primary domain username or username for your SuiteCRM acct
*Password: Primary domain or SuiteCRM password
*Send test email.

You might need to play with some… Like unchecking Use SMTP Authentication… it might not be necessary or changing the username and password. Sometimes username and password need to match the from address as well.
