Email integration

I used sugar quite some time ago. I thought emails from a CONTACT would be attached to that contact record. Am I missing where this functionality is?

Hi Cade,

In the detail view of the contact record, there is the History subpanel. This will show interaction with the contact such as emails.



Are the emails stored in the CRM itself? or are they just linked to the iMAP mailbox? If not, is it possible to archive them?

Hi Cade,

You can use programs such as Opacus, Grinmark, Riva and others to archive/sync from Outlook/Thunderbird to Suite.



Are you familar with a module or addon that does this directly in suitecrm? It seems silly to me to have to use a desktop app to do this functionality when the emails are already going to the CRM and the primary advantage to SuiteCRM is its cloud functionality.

Hi Cade,

There is Google integration being developed for future releases of SuiteCRM which syncs your Gmail email/meetings/calendar with SuiteCRM. I am not aware if there are other applications that sync in the CRM for other mail clients, it may be a case of googling and searching around.



I Appreciate your quick response!

Hi Cade,

No problem, I hope you enjoy your SuiteCRM experience.



Hi Will. Is there an eta on this? Should I find another tool in the meantime?

Hi Will,

Is there any update on the timeline of the google integration being built into SuiteCRM? I am currently exploring multiple options from different vendors, but wanted to know if its imminent or still quite a ways off.


Google integration is no longer on the roadmap for inclusion as yet. Apologies for any confusion.