Email Import missing from Bulk Action menu

I noticed on some of Paul Stevensā€™ videos that there should be a Import option in the Bulk Action menu on the emails page. I only get the following;

Iā€™m on 7.14.3 ā€¦ Is this expected? I can individually import when opening the email but Iā€™d like to be able to bulk import several emails for the same account/contact.

Can anyone throw light on this please. Am I missing something?

Thanks Terry

Would anyone like to respond to this PLEASE?

Is the above image as expected? Is this what everyone else gets?

Appreciate any confirmation either way.

Thanks Terry

When logging into 7.14.3 (bitnami container), go to Emails module, View Emails, select multiple email messages in the list view, click Bulk Action, I see the Import option is available.

More here about how to enable / disable options in the Bulk Actions.

Is your Suite login user account a member of a Security Group?
Which Roles are you assigned?

Hi Chris, thanks so much for your reply.

I am in admin mode and have access to everything. Yes, members are part of a Security Group however as I say, I am the admin and have ALL Roles assigned to me.

When I select emails in the email list, then click ā€˜Bulk Actionā€™, and then ā€˜Mass Updateā€™, the options then appear at the bottom. I enter the Account I wish to relate the emails to. Hit ā€˜Updateā€™.

And I get the following;

Would you have any ides why this is happening?


After some further tinkering I notice that if I choose delete in the ā€˜Mass Updateā€™ I get the same notification as above.

Something is amiss here. Is it just me?

What steps do you take to access the Emails list, so that you can select emails in the email list, and then click Bulk Action ?
Do you go to Collaboration, Emails?
Or do you go to Sales, Accounts, click on an account name, History subpanel?

Hi Chris

I go directly to the emails module via the TOP menu. That is ā€˜ALLā€™ or Collaboration , Emails.

Going to Sales , Accounts , click on an account name, History subpanel would give same result.

Ofcourse if everything worked as I think it should, the emails related to the account will appear in the Accounts History subpanel. This is what I am trying to achieve using the ā€˜Mass Updateā€™.

By the way, this works perfectly well if I click on the email subject in the Email List to view the email, then click ā€˜Actionā€™ and then ā€˜Importā€™, complete the ā€˜Related toā€™ . Email appears as it should in the Accountā€™s ā€˜History subpanelā€™.

Does the Mass update work for you?


I double checked and I tested this on Suite bitnami docker container for 7.14.1, not 7.14.3.

In the Collaboration > Emails module, Bulk Action has the option Import.

Also, it does NOT have the option Mass Update.

emails bulk action missing import and mass update on 7_14_3

Hi Chris

OK. So this is interesting because I obviously donā€™t get the same menu options as you.

So now I wonder if someone running 7.14.3 can confirm if they have the same as you or they have the same as me. If itā€™s the same as me then that would confirm a bug in 7.14.3


FYI, Iā€™m running 7.14.3 and have ā€œImportā€ on the bulk actions dropdown.


Thanks for the info mcom. It seems I have a problem.


I decided to try adding ā€˜Assigned Toā€™ field to default list in the List view layout of ā€˜Emailsā€™ module. Save & Deploy.
The correct Menu behaviour appeared!
I went back to Studio moved the ā€˜Assigned toā€™ field back. Save & Deploy. Correct Menu has remained.

Go figure!

Thanks everyone for help.