A personal account is used to view and send email from a personal email account within the Emails module. This account can be an internal or an external email account. Emails from personal accounts are not stored in SuiteCRM unless manually imported.
Personal accounts can be configured by the user from their user profile. Administrators can configure personal accounts for other users.
Thanks for your answer … i managed to get personal eMail displayed but the result of sending is irritating as the mail is not stored in CRM as you mention in your mail already.
Our scenario is quite common i guess … the Sales users are working with outlook at the moment and shall be assisted by a CRM system … from my experince integration is key factor for user acceptance.
Decision which communication is CRM relevant and shall be available via the system should be up to the user working with the system.
If i understand right the only means to achive a style of working like this is the use of an external “outlook integration module” … which is available as paid add-on as far as i understand
Question: Is that correkt or are there other ways to achive this
Thanks for info … so let me ask … is this add on/plugin useable with suitecrm 8.7.1 as the vendor states Compatibility only for Sugar CRM 12.x and 13.x is there somebody here (in this forum) known to actually use it sucessfully in this combination?
Btw.: Not all features are free (anymore?)
Additionally: I asked for same via support plattform from implicit … no answer for several days … i am a little bit irritated tbh …