Email empty - Marketing campaign


I’m having problems with email campaigns. I´m generate campaign using the wizard, select the template and generated the email by assigning two group (the test group type and a list of target audience). When generating test it properly sent to the receivers but, when planning the email is sent empty, without displaying the selected template.
My versión of SuiteCRM: 7.0.2

Sorry for my english.

Hi there,

You need to ensure the target list you associate to the campaign is of type ‘Default’ and not ‘Test’.

You also need to ensure your scheduler is running for the campaign emails to send.



Hi Will,

I forgot to mention, also add a list of type default (list of target audience). My shceduler is running for the campaign emails, but the emails are sent empty.


Have you populated/selected an email template in your email marketing record?



Yes I Have. In the first comment I attached two images. The first image is the test, and the second image is the planning email with the list type default.
