Cron job is setup and working. Sending emails is working. Workflow email notifications are working. No errors in the log.
I setup a campaign. Before the exectuon I see the emails in the “Message queue” with the respective hour to be sent. After the hour is passed, the messages dissapaer. They are not sent. They are not in the “Attempted”. They are not is “Sent”. They just dissapear.
Hitting the “Send marketing email as Test” also does nothing.
Is it possible I have not setup something correctly or it is a bug?
No errors or anything suspicious in the php logs either. Here is a screenshot of the campaign_log table:
Also I noticed now, most of the emails are “Suppressed by address or domain”. In the target list I have various emails from different domains, including gmail, my company, etc.
That “suppressed” thing, if it’s not caused by a domain you blacklisted, is usually caused by duplicate sendings.
SuiteCRM avoids sending duplicate emails in Campaigns, so if you’ve sent once to that email, it won’t send again, except if it’s a different Campaign.
So the real issue is how you manage your repeated messages to your targets. I think that you can re-use a Campaign for multiple sendings, but you have to specify a different “marketing record”. In the Wizard, this is in the “Marketing” tab, field “Marketing Email name”.
So, if you have a monthly Newsletter, for example, you could have a single Campaign called “Newsletter”, and then different “Marketing Email name” called January, February, etc.
I tried changing the “Marketing Email name”, waited for the specified time, and again - “Suppressed by address or domain”.
Also from one of the older test runs the emails sit in “Bounced Messages,Other”.
Try a brand new Campaign to make sure that this is in fact your problem. With a new campaign you will surely be allowed to send to the same addresses.
I have some doubts about how the “Marketing Email name” mechanism actually works. But first we need to make sure that duplicate suppression is really your problem.
I suppose the bounced list has that other address because it bounced, no?
I tried to create brand new campaign. And I am at my first problem - there is nothing in the status view. There are no emails in bounced, or suppressed, or in the queue. Nothing. I am really perplexed.
The “Send marketing email as test” is also not doing anything.
I am having the exact same problem. The first email template on the news letter goes through. The second does not. Help please. The suppressed record keeps growing after each send.