Email Campaign not received by recipient

Hi all,
I’m very newbie here ., i’m trying to using suitecrm, but i have a problem with email campaign,
Things that i already done are :

  1. Install xampp
  2. configure suitecrm
  3. setting email for system , for campaign, for bounce ( bounce email … i have no idea about what used for ? )
  4. send test all emails at point 3 , send test ok, delivered
  5. create campaign ,
  6. setting scheduler task for running cron job ( running well )

the problem is : when i create email campaign , the email going into email queue , i can see that with schedule time for send on.
but after the schedule send on reach out, the email on email queue list has disappear , but the emails never received by the recipient email.

Did anyone here can tell me what’s wrong with my email campaign ? n how to solve that problem ?

Many Thanks .

First check your RUN NIGHTLY MASS EMAIL CAMPAIGNS last run,if it running every minute that is ok,if it not running at every minutes then set interval every 1 minute after that check the recipient email are opt-in or not if they are not opt-in that means they are enable to receive any email, so must check opt-in . After that check your bounce handling account is correctly set or not ,then check your outgoing email is correctly set or not if it correctly set then your recipient must be receive email.