Email bounce handling - does it work in 7.10.6?

Can anyone confirm that they have bounce handling working OK in v7.10.6 ?? Is it just me?

  • “PROCESS BOUNCED CAMPAIGN EMAILS” is reporting as being executed every 10 minutes.
  • I get a successful test connection to the bounce handling account.
  • I’ve chosen “INBOX,[Gmail],[Gmail]/All Mail,[Gmail]/Important” for the Monitored Folders.
  • I can see the bounced emails sitting in the GMAIL bounce handling account, unread, from MAILER-DAEMON@xxxxxxx
  • All the emails contain their unique Identifier keys for the campaign, e.g. index.php?entryPoint=removeme&identifier=3ed82755-6833-9a9f-60ab-5b583cffa256

But no bounces are reported in the campaign.

Looking for ideas!!!

Another observation - the emails in the GMAIL bounce account are unread. Am I correct in thinking that when SuiteCRM accesses these emails, via the “function::pollMonitoredInboxesForBouncedCampaignEmails”, they should change to “read”?

I’m sorry I don’t have much experience with this functionality. But I recommend that you have a look at your logs looking for clues.

Maybe you can also search GitHub for similar issues, I found this one:

@pgr, thanks for the log links… I think we’re getting somewhere. What does “Inbounc Email Connection is not valid resource for getting New Message Ids.” mean?

Spelling mistake for ‘Inbounc’ is not mine :slight_smile:

Interesting that the Scheduler is reporting job done, but the log says opposite!

Process Bounced Campaign Emails every 5 mins	--- done	2018-07-26 09:55	2018-07-26 09:55	
Process Bounced Campaign Emails every 5 mins	----done	2018-07-26 09:50	2018-07-26 09:50


Thu Jul 26 09:50:02 2018 [24653][1][FATAL] Job 25fab1b8-9ee9-3d69-e945-5b59990a7409 (Process Bounced Campaign Emails every 5 mins) failed in CRON run

Thu Jul 26 09:55:02 2018 [24696][1][FATAL] Inbounc Email Connection is not valid resource for getting New Message Ids.

Thu Jul 26 09:55:02 2018 [24696][1][FATAL] Inbounc Email Connection is not valid resource for getting New Message Ids.

Thu Jul 26 09:55:02 2018 [24696][1][FATAL] Inbounc Email Connection is not valid resource for getting New Message Ids.

Thu Jul 26 09:55:02 2018 [24696][1][FATAL] Inbounc Email Connection is not valid resource for getting New Message Ids.

Thu Jul 26 09:55:02 2018 [24696][1][FATAL] Job e80d3e27-664f-2da1-96a5-5b599ab9cb31 (Process Bounced Campaign Emails every 5 mins) failed in CRON run

I don’t know, but look for earlier errors. It seems that is saying the connection osn’t good, ,aybe there were other errors during the connection attempt.

And check your Inbound email settings for that Bounce account…

Inbound email account (Gmail) is good. Double and triple checked email address and password. Interestingly, if I put in a wrong password, then save, then Test Connection … it says connection successful. Ahem.

Anyone else use Gmail bounce account?

I can open the Bounce account in SuiteCRM via Emails>>INBOX and I can see all the bounces there… so it’s a not a problem with Inbound settings :frowning:

If your problem looks like the one on that GitHub issue (sorry, I didn’t check with much attention) or any other you find there, please leave your message there with any additional info you have (like log content). Let’s hope it stirs something into action…

I’ve opened a new issue ticket (#6205) with some additional details.

Anyone here know the difference between
“function::pollMonitoredInboxes” (This appears in InboundEmail.php, just before the “Inbounc…” error message)


“function::pollMonitoredInboxesAOP” (This is listed as the job in the Scheduler for “Check Inbound emails”)


“function::pollMonitoredInboxesForBouncedCampaignEmails” (In the Scheduler, this is the “Process bounced emails” job)

Too confusing for me!

Fixed!!! (IMAP libraries were corrupted/missing)

Lesson learned… TURN ON DEBUG LOGGING!!! Go to Admin >> System Settings >> set Log Level to “DEBUG”

From there, I could see the error (“IMAP libraries NOT available!!!”), updated php-imap and voila, instant bounce handling.

I’ll just go away quietly now and hope no-one notices…