Email Attachements are sending nothing

I know its a known Issue but as anyone found the solutions?
It’s is really important for our compagny to have this feature in order to send some pdf documents to the customer

When I go to the SuiteCRM log i get the SugarPHPMailer encountered an error: Could not access file: upload://

Any hints?

My SuiteCRM version is Version 7.11.10

Was the fix supose to be in the next release witch was in November?

In your system, the files look like the left-hand or he right-hand side of this commit?


I did the update. Before that it was the left (red) side, now it’s the right side (green)
Its’ upload/ instead of upload://.

But by doing a quick search trougth PHP storm i can see that there is some other upload:// in download.php, note.php, emailMan.php and plenty other, Should i maybe do a composer update even if I think that is not the problem because I still get a SugarPHPMailer encountered an error: Could not access file: upload://. Do i need to change manually all the upload:// to upload/? Or maybe the update didn’t go well I don’t know.

EDIT : Did the composer install --no-dev and this is not the problem. So the bug of attachements is Still there in 7.11.10

I didnt change the composer.json so the composer install --no-dev shouldn’t be required but maybe i should try

and the file Emaill.php is exactly like this one Still get that could not open error

What is the name of your upload folder?

The default is upload, bu it is chageable, that’s why I am asking, to make sure.

@pgr It’s still the default name upload.
Should this issue be reopened ?

If you can try, in those other places where you find upload://, to replace it with a direct reference to upload/, I think that would be useful as a test.

Please try them one by one, and revert back the change after you finish the test. I don’t think this Issue is as simple as it seems, I don’t think these are good solutions, I am just trying to discover if there is a specific point in the code that we should be looking at.

Finally found the problem. It’s was due to a third party app MutipleSMTP bought in the SuiteCRM store. For somekind of reason, the module was overriding the SugarPHPMailer in the directory

Desinstalling the module make it worked for me or changing the upload:// to upload/ in the custom directory mentionned above.

Thank you for your help!

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