I know its a known Issue but as anyone found the solutions?
It’s is really important for our compagny to have this feature in order to send some pdf documents to the customer
When I go to the SuiteCRM log i get the SugarPHPMailer encountered an error: Could not access file: upload://
I did the update. Before that it was the left (red) side, now it’s the right side (green)
Its’ upload/ instead of upload://.
But by doing a quick search trougth PHP storm i can see that there is some other upload:// in download.php, note.php, emailMan.php and plenty other, Should i maybe do a composer update even if I think that is not the problem because I still get a SugarPHPMailer encountered an error: Could not access file: upload://. Do i need to change manually all the upload:// to upload/? Or maybe the update didn’t go well I don’t know.
EDIT : Did the composer install --no-dev and this is not the problem. So the bug of attachements is Still there in 7.11.10
I didnt change the composer.json so the composer install --no-dev shouldn’t be required but maybe i should try
If you can try, in those other places where you find upload://, to replace it with a direct reference to upload/, I think that would be useful as a test.
Please try them one by one, and revert back the change after you finish the test. I don’t think this Issue is as simple as it seems, I don’t think these are good solutions, I am just trying to discover if there is a specific point in the code that we should be looking at.
Finally found the problem. It’s was due to a third party app MutipleSMTP bought in the SuiteCRM store. For somekind of reason, the module was overriding the SugarPHPMailer in the directory custom/modules/Emails/EmailsController.php
Desinstalling the module make it worked for me or changing the upload:// to upload/ in the custom directory mentionned above.