Email and custom modules


I have a custom module, “Photo Shoots” (shoot name, date, brief, location) which has a many-to-one relationship with Accounts. Also “Client Deliverables” (URL, type: digital download URL/proofing gallery/interim gallery, date delivered, validity) which has a many-to-one relationship with “Photo Shoots”.

When I create a deliverable (i.e. I upload the client’s photos to my website) I want it to automatically email the client saying, "Hi Jane [contact related to account], you photos are now ready to download. Please click on the link below [URL taken from the Client Deliverables module].

I’ve tried to do this using workflows, or to do something more simple using a mere template.

Can this be done somehow by modifying something?

Hi mrmat

The article here could be what you are looking for.



Thanks, that’s really useful.