Hello Guys
I have a few questions around email templates for workflows and email templates for alert emails
Workflow templates
With certain workflows I have emails being sent as an action, is there anyway to be able to details of the original module inside this?
For example:
(Custom module) - When someone sets the record to Current Stage = Stage 3
- Email sent / ?What email template?
is there anyway to have the email template link back to the workflow module? Having variables from the module?
So when my member of staff sees the email alert she knows exactly who it is referring to
Email Alerts
With my workflows, the system is also creating records in the system and assigning them to users
I would like to know where these email templates are held? Can they be edited? Again with variables from the module & related modules
I assume so……hope so
At the moment I receive:
Taufique Ahmed has assigned a(n) Module Name to Test User 1.
You may review this Module Name at: (LINK TO RECORD)
I’m pretty sure the Workflow on won’t be possible but am hopeful!
I would like to think the email alerts are easier to manipulate and change
Hope all makes sense - anymore info let me know
Thanks again