Email address save error....

OS: Linux
DB: MySQL 5.6
PHP: 7.x
SuiteCRM: 7.9.14
Browser: Chrome

After upgrading from 7.9.7 to 7.9.14, I am receiving the follow error from custom code Ive created:

Sat Feb 24 17:02:32 2018 [6314][1][ERROR] Invalid Referrer: expected the Save action to be called from the Userā€™s Profile Edit View
Sat Feb 24 17:02:32 2018 [6314][1][ERROR] Email address save error

Here is a snippit of my codeā€¦

    	$userBean = new User();
    	$userBean->retrieve_by_string_fields(array('user_name' => $userRow['email_address'], 'emp_id_c' => $userRow['employee_id']));

    	$userBean->last_name = $userRow['last_name'];
    	$userBean->first_name = $userRow['first_name'];
    	$userBean->emp_id_c = $userRow['employee_id'];
    	$userBean->emp_type_c = $userRow['employee_type'];
    	$userBean->emp_job_title_c = $userRow['employee_jobtitle'];
    	$userBean->phone_work = $userRow['work_phone'];
    	$userBean->phone_mobile = $userRow[''];
    	$userBean->email1 = $userRow['email_address'];
    	$userBean->status = $userRow['user_status'];
    	$userBean->employee_status = 'Active';
    	$userBean->setPreference('ut', 1);
    	$userBean->setPreference('timef', 'h:i A');

If anyone has any thoughts on the fix, would be greatly appreciated.


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There seems to be a sanity check (or security check?) here

Itā€™s not expecting to be called from custom PHP code. Maybe you can try just overriding that check? But itā€™s there for some reason, so the less you change it, the better.

Maybe just tweak the condition inside the function

Try to send it something in the $request and then test for it there.

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Thank you that helped.

Itā€™s new code that was added as I never received the error until I upgrade from 7.9.7 to 7.9.14.
Iā€™ll post a question as to why it was added and if there any thoughts on supporting creating Users via custom PHP code.

So, is there a resolution for this bug?

Iā€™m having the same problem ā€“ I canā€™t even change one field in a User from custom code.

Something a little (or a lot) more explicit that ā€œtry sending it something in the $request and test for it thereā€ might be helpful.

The reason I was vague in my answer is because I donā€™t really know how to do this myself.

But if you try seeing what you have in $request in this part

        if (!$this->isUserProfileEditViewPageSaveAction($request)) {
            $GLOBALS['log']->error('Invalid Referrer: '.
                'expected the Save action to be called from the User\'s Profile Edit View');
            return false;

Try to see what is different when you call it from custom code, and adjust that condition to avoid stopping the function. Letā€™s hope it doesnā€™t break further ahead in the function. If you want, you can simply skip this check altogether. Youā€™ll have to evaluate what consequences this might have, but it probably just errors out in an uglier way when called from the userā€™s profile Edit view.

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Hereā€™s code that seems to work to workaround this problem, so you donā€™t have to read a bunch of source code like I did:

// Work around a bug (
$save_tmp = array(isset($_REQUEST['page'])?$_REQUEST['page']:NULL, $_REQUEST['module'], $_REQUEST['action']);
list($_REQUEST['page'], $_REQUEST['module'], $_REQUEST['action']) = array('EditView', 'Users', 'Save');
if (empty($userBean->save()))
     $GLOBALS['log']->error("Error saving User id={$userBean->id}");
     $GLOBALS['log']->debug("User id={$userBean->id} saved OK");
list($_REQUEST['page'], $_REQUEST['module'], $_REQUEST['action']) = $save_tmp;

FYI: They just committed a fix. I expect itā€™ll be in the next release.

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Cool, can you please post a link to that PR?

Hi Rod
Iā€™m also getting the Email address save error in SuiteCRM v7.13.1
any luck working this out?


@David_iTeks, I am getting ā€˜Email address save errorā€™ on SuiteCRM v7.13.
Whenever a user logged in, I am getting this error in CRM log.

[FATAL] User username has logged in.
[FATAL] Email address save error

I donā€™t know if anyone able to resolve this.


Could you share link of your fix?