Email account for sending out

Hi all,

I having a problem with to select the email account to send the document. When i click on From column, there is not email account to select. From the admin>email setting, I have tick to allow users to use the system email account. I have tested ā€˜send emailā€™ and it was success. what else do it miss or there is bug?

There was a bug that looked like this on version 7.9.1, is that what youā€™re using?

Please try upgrading to 7.9.2, or even 7.9.3 which should be coming out maybe next week or something.

i using 7.9.2 version

Even though that setting concerns only outbound email, some people have reported that configuring inbound email solves the problem of the ā€œFromā€ box not populating. Can you please try that and let us know how it went?

I have tried to add the email to inbound, the mail account still not shown in the ā€˜Fromā€™ column