Effed up and upgraded to 7.11.10 - need to build clean server and migrate to what stable version?

After initially installing Suitecrm which was working great, I noticed some months ago that there was a new version available (7.11.10), and didn’t realize that the new version on the download homepage wasn’t a production version. A couple of weeks later when I tried to use studio, I had to manually mitigate some issues to make the studio function, but another thing it broke was the ability to create custom modules.

Now I’m at a point where I have to create a couple of custom modules. I’ve been trying to wait for a LTS version that was higher than my version to be released, but there isn’t one available yet.

I need to figure out what version release above 7.11.10 would be the safest to build fresh, upgrade my live instance to, and then migrate the data over to.

Can anyone recommend what my best version option would be for stability?
