The template we use in our company for Leads doesnt match the default from SuiteCRM as it has a lot of extra data, so uploading it without matching the template creates a lot of errors and doesnt work because the fields of the .csvs dont match
Im wondering how I can get started in editing the default template so that it matches what we actually use and need.
From what I understand its not in the Studio and needs to be coded, which is fine, I just need to be pointed in the right direction.
Sorry, I don’t understand what you mean.
If you mean the fields that a Lead record has, the ones you fill when cresting a Lead, they are in Studio, leads module, fields and layouts.
Or do you mean email templates?
Hi don’t worry.
First you have to create the fields you want in your Lead module using “Studio” from administrator page.
After you can import your csv file.
You can import every csv you want, during the import process you can define the separators and other things by advanced setup button and after you can manually associate the fields of the crm with the fields of the csv.
Attention at the field type.
Ex: you can’t import a text inside a suitecrm numeric field