I installed latest SuiteCRM 7.82 and got it working.
How to make e-mail to case work ?
I set up inbound mail with a dedicated e-mail for support > support@mydoan.com
I tested the connection and it was okay. Selected e-mail to case and all default settings.
But cases are not generated when I send an e-mail.
What am I doing wrong ? Is there anything else to be done or checked ?
If all your information is correct for your inbound email case generation, please make sure/enable the Cron scheduler for ‘Check Inbound Mailboxes’
If you dont have cron running on your server you can enabling it by adding the line at the bottom of Admin >Scheduler to your cron file
I was able to get it to work but needed lot of googling and searching in the forums !
The cron job command was not correct for my hosting . It was saying CD user is not allowed to run cron jobs.which put me off the track. Then I realized that the user was missing and I had to add www-data as a user in front of CD ( apache) and it started working. The jobs started to appear.
Then I realized that the e-mails were not being fetched. It was problem with SSL and certificates. After fixing this , emails were converted to cases.
Let me know if there is some kind of user manual which I can refer to ?