I want to ask you how I can set up my Suite CRM in order to create a new contact when a new letter cones to my mail (it is connected with crm)
If that email is generated by a form in your site, check out the Web to Person feature of SuiteCRM, this would take care of everything for you.
If not, then you could try a Workflow, when a new email is created, create a Contact. But I’m not sure you could get this working well, getting the Workflow to fire, and grabbing the necessary fields from the email (how do you plan to achieve that?)…
Yes, I tried to do it with the help of Workflow, but information from client’s e-mail doesn’t transmitted to contact`s field. How can I configure it?
SuiteCRM can’t guess how to spot the information you need from the text of an email… you have to code it. Try a logic hook instead of a Workflow. But I can’t give you a step-by-step guide, I don’t know.
Well, thank you. I have got one more question - how can I bind all mailboxess of managers from one server (MS exchange) to the Suite CRM?
I’m not sure I understand your request, but maybe what you need is to go into each of those manager’s profile in the CRM, and configure his individual email account to grab email from Exchange.
You might also consider the Outlook plugin that SalesAgility sells, that way they could work from within Outlook if they prefer.