E-mail Settings - New Case Opening

Hello All,

I’ve been trying to do two things, as the days go bye I am more and more involved with suitecrm and I’ve found it amazing application…

First Thing

How do I change the default script e-mail when a new cause is opened and assined to a user… I can’t find where I edit the template…I´ve found the e-mail template, but there does not seem to be the default script e-mail sent… I am comparing the e-mail I’ve received and none of them match…

My steps

I went to Admin > AOP Settings and found there

User e-mail template, Contact E-mail Template, Case Created E-mail Template and etc

the AOP option is not enable, so I don’t think that the template used when a case is assigned to someone is here… where can I find it ?


How do I enable the system to send an e-mail if the ticket was updated, or change, or closed…is the AOP option to be enable for what I’ve asked ? If so,
when I chosse to enable it, if asks for “Joomla URL:” what is it ?

Thank you

I have found the Edit or Views E-mail template on the top-left menu

But any of those templates is the one which is sent to the users when a new Case is opened.

Just to clarify

  1. Open a case
  2. Set all the information
  3. Assign the case to a user
  4. the user receives the E-mail

Subject: SugarCRM Case - (Subject)

body of the e-mail

USER has assigned a case to (USER ASSIGNED)


You may review this case at:

Linkt to the Case

I would like to change this e-mail template