Dynamic text field


I would like to create a dynamic text field that is dependent on the value of a selection in a dropdown.

User selects “Option A” from a drop down. A text field shows a value (string)
User selects “Option B” from the same dropdown. The same text field shows a different value (string).

I’ve read somewhere that you have do a bit of code editing in the custom\modules\Accounts\metadata\searchdefs.php file. First of all I don’t know if this is correct, second, what is the code I have to enter (specifics), and where do I have to enter it?

I’m very wary of editing the code as suiteCRM doesn’t seem to take kindly to alteration - maybe it’s just me.

Thanks for the help.

You could do this using AOW workflow?

It could be “on save”

condition = if option b
modify record / text field / value / add your value

I would advise there is a workflow per option you want selected