Dynamic fields plugin

I havenā€™t been able to find it either but maybe this can be of help. A user attached a MultiTextField package, it creates a new field type which is a multi field but for phones. Maybe you could work around with the code and modify it as per your needs.


Make sure to test it out before deploying it on production instance. This doesnā€™t seem like an official addon but it does work. I havenā€™t tested it out for bugs.

Hi all. I was the developer of that plugin a number of years ago. There are no download links available on the net for that version. But I am happy to say we are in the process of revamping it and working out one or two little bugs. So within the next two weeks it will be available to download for free.

I will update this post with a link to the module very soon.



Iā€™d love to test it!

Any news on this at all? It could be what I need.


Hi allā€¦

I found the fileā€¦it took some research. Iā€™m not in the office again till Tuesday 27th of Feb ā€˜18. Iā€™ll attach the file to this thread. Iā€™ve already tested it with the current version of SuiteCRM and it works fine. If it slips my mind, post a message here and Iā€™ll be notifiedā€¦


As promised

suitecrm-dynamic-fields-v1.0.zip (50.5 KB)



i installed the module but i didnā€™t see anything on the left side of the menu. I only see ā€œsearchā€ and i canā€™t create dyinamic fieldsā€¦
Can you help me ?


If you go to the Admin screen of your CRM and scroll down to the bottom, you should see the dynamic fields plugin. To make a dynamic field you need to create a field in a module that can be made dynamic. Off hand, I think that a text field can be made dynamic. So go to studio, select your module from the list, add a field, add it in edit view for instance. Go back to the main Admin page, select the dynamic fields plugin, choose your module and the field and make it dynamic there.

This is all based on memory, so I may not be remembering the steps correctly. Play about to see how it works. Itā€™s a bit convoluted.

Iā€™m using Version 7.8.17 Sugar Version 6.5.25 (Build 344) and it works fine. I canā€™t answer for different versions.

thanks for reply. Probably theei is a bug because i see the field only with log in english language.

It wouldnā€™t work for the latest version, it just keep on loading

i same problem, only loading

Hello dier
I want to ask is exsistence a new fersion of dinamic_field for new version suitecrms?
no one was interested in this issue? maybe there are developers on this forum who have already made a new version but I couldnā€™t find it?

p/s suitecrm v7.11.8 made this error

Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; DF_DynamicFields has a deprecated constructor in D:\Open_server\OSPanel\domains\suitecrm\modules\DF_DynamicFields\DF_DynamicFields.php on line 44

Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; DF_DynamicFields_sugar has a deprecated constructor in D:\Open_server\OSPanel\domains\suitecrm\modules\DF_DynamicFields\DF_DynamicFields_sugar.php on line 47

Does anyone know how to fix it?

Deprecated errors are safe to ignore. They are just meant to inform developers of changes they will need to make in the future.

Do you have any other problems apart form those errors?

If the errors are showing on screen, just turn off display_errors in your php.ini and restart web server.

thank you very much, work now

Does anyone know how to get everything back? i mean delete ā€œ+ā€ ā€œ-ā€ buttons?
They remain even if i delete the created dynamic fields

Thanks for your diligence in finding the file/s. but can i please have a copy, as well?
Thanks, once againā€¦ kindly send it to temp@transcend.biz

The attached files had been lost in the migration from the old Forums.

I just edited @loreilly 's post above (the one saying ā€œas promisedā€¦ā€) to add back the attached file.

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I have
Version 7.10.22**
Sugar Version 6.5.25 (Build 344)
Modul work, but after close and open browser I not see dynamic field.
If I delete dynamic fielad and create new all work before browser close.
What can be problem?
Thanks for response.

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Did you ever figure this out? Iā€™m also wanting to remove the +/-

@pgr @Yuriy I am also facing the same issue ,

like when I create dynamic field in contact module it is working and after login and logout I am unable to see that dynamic field in contact module.

May I know the issue.
