Following instructions, read 1000 times posts and explainations. But very difficult.
I have the following configurations:
1 dropdown parent, called pipeline_list, with the following values: Product, Service, Contract, Investors, Distributors.
1 dropdown child, called stages_pipeline with the following: P-Engage, P-Offer, P-Contract, … ,I-Engage, I-pitch, I-NDA, etc.etc
P stands for Product, I for investors, S for service, C for contracts, I for investors and so on.
Then I created inside the module opportunity, using studio, one field, type dropdown, for pipeline_list. This field is called pipeline_list_c
Then I created in the module opportunity, using studio, one field, type dynamic dropdown, called stage_pipeline_c , where the dropdown list is stages_pipeline, and the parent dropdown is pipeline_list_c.
What it happens is that setting the value “Product” (edit mode of opportunity) the pipeline works, The Service also works, but the pipeline Investors doesn’t work. Nothing appears in the dynamic dropdown box (create new opportunity) if the pipeline selected is Investors.
In addition, I cannot understand how can the dynamic dropdown work. Because the value of the field in stages_pipeline is P-Engage, NOT Product-Engage. And the value of the parent is Product.
So for me everything is obscure. Can someone help me? And what is the function of the “-”? Is it a separator?
Thank you