Dropdown Editor Does not Save

Creating a new dropdown menu does not save.

When I create a new dropdown menu and save, the option appears in the list. However, upon refreshing the page, the new menu is gone. This new menu does not appear.

This is on a basically new install of SuiteCrm 8. I have successfully edited menus yesterday, but today I am unsuccessfull.

What have I tried?
Fixing permissions
Logging In and out
Quick Repair
Repair JS files

Hi @coolingout,

Thank you for trying out SuiteCRM 8.

Could you create an issue in the SuiteCRM-Core project in github please?

Do you get any errors in the browser console? or in the logs?

Logs to check:

  • /logs/prod/prod.log
  • php error log
  • /public/legacy/suitecrm.log

PS: We’re in the holiday season so I may take a while to reply back, sorry.