Draw entity relationship diagram of SuiteCRM modules including custom tables

Hello everyone! I am OSiRiS, also known as OSiUX and I work in gcoop Free Software Cooperative, where we develop CRM from the 2007.

After migrating 6300 hosts a GNU/Linux I am resuming the implementation of a SuiteCRM project and to catch up I recovered from the WayBackMachine a backup copy of sugar-graphiz, a script that originally autogenerated an Entity Relation Diagram from the table relationships from a SugarCRM database and I didn’t have to adjust a lot for a SuiteCRM 8.5 instance to graph

I share the project in case anyone is interested, the script It is GPL and I accept suggestions and improvements, in principle I am going to do it more readable to the code and add Markdown support, originally used ReStructuredText


I have something similar. Due to not much time, I just attach it here. Maybe you can take inspiration from it, but yours look cleaner on first look.
Note for the script: “nx_” only are custom modules starting with nx_ as the package key. It may be not useful for anyone else.
Just put that into your sugarroot as sugarSchema.php ( yes, I know that name is old :wink: ), and then you can call it.

if (!defined('sugarEntry')) {
    define('sugarEntry', true);
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
        <meta charset="utf-8">

        <title>Sugar Schema</title>
        <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/viz.js/2.1.2/viz.js" integrity="sha512-vnRdmX8ZxbU+IhA2gLhZqXkX1neJISG10xy0iP0WauuClu3AIMknxyDjYHEpEhi8fTZPyOCWgqUCnEafDB/jVQ==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script>
        <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/viz.js/2.1.2/full.render.js" integrity="sha512-1zKK2bG3QY2JaUPpfHZDUMe3dwBwFdCDwXQ01GrKSd+/l0hqPbF+aak66zYPUZtn+o2JYi1mjXAqy5mW04v3iA==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script>
        <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vis-network/9.1.2/standalone/umd/vis-network.min.js" integrity="sha512-DOpf3tO7m7MJHkMMRRoNxiJL4CR+TFLYy2XnIOeTh26Hz8j8i9RHrVkXzh+AQ7mffzIFk538/zcQ3Yoo+7VISA==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script>

    <body style="padding:0px; margin: 0px;">
        <div id ="vibuttonleiste" style="padding:2px; margin: 0px; width:100%; height:21px; background: #ddeedd; border: 1px solid #222222;">
            <a href="sugarSchema.php?type=graphviz">Graphviz</a><a href="sugarSchema.php?type=graphviz&filter=nxonly">(nxonly)</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
            <a href="sugarSchema.php?type=visjs">Vis.js</a><a href="sugarSchema.php?type=visjs&filter=nxonly">(nxonly)</a>
        <div id="networkgraph" style="width:100%; height:1200px">


        foreach (glob("metadata/*.php") as $filename) {
            require_once $filename;
        foreach (glob("custom/metadata/*.php") as $filename) {
            require_once $filename;
        $nodes = [];
        $edges = [];
        $graphviz = "digraph G {";
        foreach ($dictionary as $name => $relations) {
            if (isset($relations['relationships'])) {
                foreach ($relations['relationships'] AS $relationname => $relation) {
                    if (empty($_GET['filter']) || ($_GET['filter'] == "nxonly" && substr($relationname, 0, 3) == "nx_")) {
                        if (!in_array($relationname, ["aok_knowledgebase_categories", "aow_processed_aow_actions", "jjwg_maps_jjwg_areas", "jjwg_maps_jjwg_markers",
                                    "project_task_project_tasks", "surveyquestionoptions_surveyquestionresponses"])) {
                            //print "LHS-module: {$relation['lhs_module']}\n<br/>";
                            //print "RHS-module: {$relation['rhs_module']}\n<br/>";
                            $graphviz .= "{$relation['lhs_module']} -> {$relation['rhs_module']} [dir = \"both\"] ";
                            //  label = \"{$relationname}\" color = green
                            $nodes[$relation['lhs_module']] = [
                                "id" => $relation['lhs_module'],
                                "label" => $relation['lhs_module'],
                                "group" => (substr($relation['lhs_module'], 0, 3) == "nx_" ? "nx" : "stock")

                            $nodes[$relation['rhs_module']] = [
                                "id" => $relation['rhs_module'],
                                "label" => $relation['rhs_module'],
                                "group" => (substr($relation['rhs_module'], 0, 3) == "nx_" ? "nx" : "stock")];
                            $title="Name: {$relationname}\nJoin Table: {$relation['join_table']}";
                            $edges[] = ["from" => $relation['lhs_module'], "to" => $relation['rhs_module'], "label" => $relationtypelabel,"title"=>$title,"arrows"=>$arrows];
        $graphviz .= "}";
        if (empty($_GET['type']) || $_GET['type'] == "graphviz") {

                var viz = new Viz();
                viz.renderSVGElement('<?php print $graphviz; ?>')
                        .then(function (element) {
                        .catch(error => {
                            // Create a new Viz instance (@see Caveats page for more info)
                            viz = new Viz();
                            // Possibly display the error
        } else {
            print "<script>";
            print "var nodes = new vis.DataSet([";
            foreach ($nodes as $node) {
                print json_encode($node) . ",\n";
            print <<<EOF
        var edges= new vis.DataSet([
            foreach ($edges as $edge) {
                print json_encode($edge) . ",\n";
            print "]);";
            var container = document.getElementById("networkgraph");
            var data = {
            nodes: nodes,
            edges: edges,
            var options = {
            groups: {
            nx: {color:{background:'#88ee88'}, borderWidth:1}
            var network = new vis.Network(container, data, options);
            network.on("stabilizationIterationsDone", function () {
            network.setOptions( { physics: false } );
1 Like

Nice! Thanks for sharing.

Just for the sake of completeness, there is this that I made a few years ago:

that links into this navigable schema:


This does not include custom modules like the one @OSiUX provides (although it could be adapted).

It is also a bit out of date, it’s v7 from around 2018, maybe.

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Thanks for sharing Thanks for share , I’m going to inspect the code and see if I can do a merge.

@pgr the site you made is excellent!, IT is very complete and navigable, my script generates the information of tables and columns in PDF, because some clients prefer PDFs :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m going to take inspiration from the SchemaPy graph and add more information about fields and table relationships, although I must comment that my script has the advantage of using colors for each table and respect them in relationships, that helps a lot in understanding, especially all when there are many tables.

Thanks for sharing!

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