Downloading documents from Google Drive

I hope this is the proper place to ask this questionā€¦
Iā€™m trying to download a pdf from Google Drive in Documents. When I choose file, it looks like its going through the motions, but then nothingā€¦If I download an Image from my gallery, no problem. Works beautiful. Any ideas?

Hi Kristin,

What is it you are trying to attach and in which module in Suite? Are you trying to attach the document to an email?



I have version 6.5.15

Iā€™m opening an account, then scrolling down past Activities, History, to Documents. Then next to File Name, Iā€™m clicking ā€˜Choose Fileā€™. Drive is one of the choices that pops up. I navigate to the file I need in Drive and select. It looks like its grabbing it, then it just doesnā€™t. It says ā€˜no file chosenā€™.

Hi Kristin,

When you mention version 6.5.15 do you mean version 6.5.15 of Sugar with SuiteCRM 7.0.0 or are you simply running SugarCRM CE 6.5.15.

We will try to replicate your issue with google drive and get back to you.



Hi Kristin,

I have tried adding a PDF to an account from my Google Drive and it seems to work well. How big is the document? What are the settings in your php.ini file?



This is what Iā€™m runningā€¦

Hi Kristin,

Thatā€™s fine. How big is the document, what is the file extension, what are the settings in your php.ini file? If the document is very large it could be conflicting with your servers max upload size for files.



PHP allows a ā€œupload_max_filesizeā€ of 32M.

The files Iā€™ve tried downloading are tiny pdfā€™s. Do we need to upgrade to 7.0.0?

Hi Kristin,

SuiteCRM 7.0.0 is built upon Sugar CE 6.5.15, if that makes sense. I have tried to replicate your issue but it seems I can add a PDF document and download it correctly.

Please try a quick repair & rebuild of your instance. Maybe some screenshots of what you are trying to do will make it clearer.



Ah, we may have figured out the problem. I have been working on my Samsung Note 10.1 Tablet. When we tried it on the regular pc, the download worked fine. So it must be a tablet thing?

How can we use ā€˜External Accountsā€™ in User Profiles to link to Google Drive?
If we could link Suite CRM to Google Drive, it would be better integration than just grabbing copies of the files. If Google Drive could be in the ā€˜Applicationā€™ dropdown that would be nice.