down after upgrade to 7.6.5 can not consult file attachments or notes

if I try to open an attachment from mail it trys to open the followin…


notice the entryPoint=download&id=41b60224-6175-bd89-6f16-57837cd1d175&type=Notes

If I go to ./custom/include/MVC/Controller/entry_point_registry.php I do not see any download entrypoint…

what happened, how to solve?

I tested with 7.6.4 in test environment and everything works ok, yesterday just before upgrade I noticed 7.6.5 and went with it without testing :frowning:


ok noticed I was missing information…
I get an error 500

in php log I get
[11-Jul-2016 13:21:30 America/New_York] PHP Strict Standards: Declaration of LDAPAuthenticateUser::loadUserOnLogin() should be compatible with SugarAuthenticateUser::loadUserOnLogin($name, $password, $fallback = false, $PARAMS = Array) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\web\modules\Users\authentication\LDAPAuthenticate\LDAPAuthenticateUser.php on line 49
[11-Jul-2016 13:21:31 America/New_York] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\web\download.php on line 110
[11-Jul-2016 13:21:31 America/New_York] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function mime_content_type() in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\web\download.php on line 174

running iis, php5.6 mssql

found the cause and reported a bug on github
new code committed use obsolete function mime_content_type #1725

To solve temporary I used previous version of download.php

Actually I am not really sure if we have an issue or not…
but for anyone having this problem here is how I solved it…
running on IIS…
even if I ran for one whole week on php5.6 with no issue (v.7.5.3), once I upgraded to 7.6.5 (7.7 use the same download.php file) the download.php was having issues which had me think of someone used an obsolete function on the new relase.

But it appears that I was missing an extension in my php settings : php_fileinfo.dll
my first solution was to use an older version of download.php but not really future proof…

finally once I enabled the php_fileinfo.dll extension and used the “proper” download.php the system is running fine…

there are currently some contradiction on the support of the function over php version, it appear that the function is supported (still) on php 7…

I hope this helps other…

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