Document Module Permission Issue (Maybe??)

First post, hopefully this is in the correct location, if not please let me know and I’ll amend as needed.

My company is currently in the midst of attempting to deploy suiteCRM on a local host . . . thus far the ease of use and functionality have been extraordinary.

We recently ran into an issue that we cannot yet pinpoint the cause of.

The general idea we are trying to implement is to have an outside sales rep log in and have access to a limited number of features. Primarily, an outside rep would need to have access to the document module and be able to create and edit documents (upload files) but only be able to download files that are associated with document records that are assigned to the rep(user).

We are to the point where an appropriate role is created for the rep, ‘list view’ for documents is set to either ‘group’, ‘all’ or ‘not set’ and the ‘view’ for the documents modules is set to ‘owner’.

When we log in to the test account and view all documents the expected result is observed in the search results for the document name column, all documents are visible but only document records assigned to the user can be accessed.

However, in the next column of the search results the file name is always accessible for download even when the document name is not.

ANY guidance would be a tremendous help!