Do URL Fields work in SuiteCRM 8?

Iā€™ve used the URL field and the generate feature to insert google maps link in letā€™s say leads and/or acccount records in SutieCRM for a while and they have worked great. However, it doesnā€™t seem to work in SuiteCRM 8. Does anyone have this working? Or a better way of doing it?

Iā€™m not getting anything in the URL field with the default set.


It doesnā€™t seem to be working with iframe either. Thinking maybe the ā€œgenerateā€ part is broken or not developed yet.


Hello Paul,

Iā€™ve used the URL field successfully in 8.5 - can you try a shorter link?
Maybe youā€™re exceeding 255 and have a DB constraint there?
Just for testing purposes, can you try to generate the URL in a text field and see whether that succeeds and if GMaps is opened at the right location?

Same for the iFrame - I used it in a detail view as well as in the dashboard.

Could you specify how you did it in SuiteCRM 8 or above versions

Hey @BastianHammer , no it just does not render in iframe:

It should output a map and substitute the variables.

The URL doesnā€™t seem to be generating either:

Can you show a screen shot of your working iframe URL and map output on the front end?

Iā€™ve done it in 8.5:


But without a dynamic part.

With a dynamic part, despite the fact that not every webserver is permitting the request as it seems, it appears to be working as well:

And Iā€™ve just tried it in 8.6.2 - there, the iframe is not rendered:

Will test later on in 8.7 - maybe itā€™s a new bug. :frowning:

I was trying this myself and I came to know that alot, ā€œALOTā€, of websites do not allow iframe. As they have their own api that you can use for this same work. So in short some websites are not ā€˜embedableā€™.

However, there are some websites, e.g. Wikipedia, that allow it. Read this article if you wanna know more about this.

Hmm, Ive tried it on 3 different installs and three different web servers and just canā€™t get it to work. It works perfectly in 7. Im stumped!

Even just trying to output the billing address street as a url doesnā€™t work???

Is there some setting that needs to be turned on to allow this to work? Iā€™m wondering if its a PHP version thing, @BastianHammer what PHP version are you running? Iā€™m on 8.2.

The issue is not that iframe is disallowed, the issue is that the variables are not being populated.


All of my tests were on 8.5.1 I just tried 8.6.1 on a different server and I get:


Going to try to upgrade this version to latest and see if that helps.

Thatā€™s odd - Suite 8.5, PHP 8.2 - Ubuntu Server, fairly standard LAMP stack.
Plain installation, no customization.

Does it work on Suite 8.5 for you, when youā€™re putting a fixed URL inside in the studio directly?
But still, it should render something ā€¦

With a fixed URL it doesnā€™t even output the default value for the field. ie:

Just upgraded to 8.6.2, still doesnā€™t work. Did all the standard stuff, like clear cache, re-set permissions. Iā€™m really stumped on what could be causing this. Has to be a server setting or something.

@BastianHammer is there a chance that the module you are testing on is running in classic view[SuiteCRM 7 view]

As far as I remember iframe has not yet been implemented in Suite 8


Thanks @abuzarfaris thatā€™s exactly it!!!

I just added the google maps iframe field to the projects module (which is still legacy) and it works perfectly.

So it definately doesnā€™t work in SuiteCRM 8 on SuiteCRM 8 modules, only legacy modules.

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Yes, that was it - good guess then - I was running on a legacy module. So much for PHP version and LAMP stack :wink:

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So we change modules to legacy mode, then URL & iFrame will work?


I suspect yes, I havenā€™t tried that exactly, I just used the projects module which is by default legacy.

You can make suitecrm 8 or above to show Iframe. But you have to make your own field for Iframe. I did it for myself and it works like a charm. I am not using the legacy view, just the new SuiteCRM 8 Angular Frontend. You would have to make your own field in

core core/app/core/src/lib/fields/

where you can make your own iframe with its own detail and edit view. Although you would have to implement the logic yourself. But its not that much of a work.

@farjadDev can you please share the details of your code? That would be helpful for more people.

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